Getting inspiration for gym with NIKE

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Winter is on the way and its the time of year where I hibernate from gym. I hate going anywhere when its cold, so gym automatically gets the cold shoulder. I was recently standing in line to pay for something when these bright pink sneakers caught my eye. I am a sucker for anything pink, so I had to get these. In order to justify this purchase I told myself I would change my attitude towards gym and get my butt into gear. So I started looking into some eating plans and I got myself a training schedule.
These are super comfy and cute of course. On a serious note, I did notice the importance of a good quality pair of gym shoes. The minute I put them on I could feel the difference. I have had my old gym shoes for about four years now so it was definitely time for new shoes – any excuse to get new shows right?
How do you motivate yourself to get fit?
Miss V
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