One of my biggest pet peeves is seeing women trying to apply a full face of make-up first thing in the morning while she sits through traffic, now I am not talking about applying lip balm or re-applying some lipstick. I am talking the whole shebang – foundation, concealer, mascara you name it.
Morning are always a rush and I am am the first person to admit that I hate waking up early and refuse to use up any of my spare time putting on crazy amounts of make-up.
If you are a repeat reader then you know I am obsessed with make-up but I am more inclined to use minimal and natural make-up, I still want to look like myself at the end of the day, so my make-up usually takes me 10-15 minutes each day. Every now and again I forget to touch up my brows or put on mascara because I get distracted by breakfast or my phone.
There might be some of you that think I am crazy and have actually mastered the art of applying make-up while driving. I am not here to judge you but just remind you of a few key factors:
- Being distracted in traffic may lead to silly accidents or worse for the rest of us, delays because you are not focusing on the car in front of you or when the robot turns green.
- Mistakes are bound to happen, putting on your make-up in a rush is never a good idea. No one like streaky faces during Monday morning staff meetings!
- Women might be able to multi-task but this is the one time you should just focus on that – driving – and doing it well. Ladies can we PLEASE better the “female” driver stereotype. Its quite exhausting!
- On a more serious note, you could really hurt yourself or a pedestrian because you are not paying attention to the road.
- It can also become tough to spot dangers sneaking up on you from behind – hijackers/car thieves etc.
- If you have no choice but to apply make – up in the car, then rather wait till you are stationary and you have arrived at your destination to do a quick face update!
Ladies, rather spend the extra few minutes in front of the mirror in your bathroom to arrive at your destination safe and looking great.
What are your thoughts on driving and applying make-up?