The rain lately has really been depressing, all I want to do all day is be indoors and watch movies. I have no inspiration to do OOTD posts nor to take any photos of things for my blog. I need sunshine! Winter cannot be here this soon, firstly because I am not ready, secondly all my clothes are packed in boxes for my big move. On another note…
I am obsessed with statement necklaces, when I say obsessed I really mean it! Lately I have come across so many different styles. An outfit is not complete without a statement necklace. Well that’s how I feel at least. My style is usually really simple and chic and I love wearing accessories to add that extra pop of glamour.
My collection is definitely growing, take a look at a previous post I did last year on some of my other statement necklaces.
How do you feel about statement necklaces? Do you think they are still trendy?
Miss V
im not a neckpiece person but those are pretty making enough statement. lol